Vedrana Filić earned her Ph.D. in biology in 2008, from the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb. She is employed as a research associate at Ruđer Bošković Institute, Division of Molecular Biology.
The focus of her research is the function and regulation of small GTPases from the Ras superfamily. She investigated the role of Rac1 and Ras GTPases in the regulation of the actin cytoskeleton in a model organism Dictyostelium discoideum.
More recently, she explored the function of an IQGAP-related protein IqgC in Dictyostelium and showed its specific role in the regulation of large scale-endocytosis via small GTPase RasG. She currently leads a project dealing with roles of IQGAP-related proteins IqgC and IqgD in large-scale endocytosis, funded by the Croatian Science Foundation. Presently, she supervises two diploma and two doctoral students.
Vedrana Filić is a member of the Executive Committee of the Croatian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and a member of the Scientific Committee for the upcoming national conference organized by the Society in 2022. In 2019, she received the Croatian national award for scientific research.